sobota 12. července 2014

Bhutan - Thimphu

Thimphu is situated in the constricted, linear Wang Chuu valley. The river is also known as the Thimphu Chuu (Chuu meaning "river") and theRaidak River. While the surrounding hills are in an altitudinal range of 2,000–3,800 metres (6,600–12,500 ft) (warm temperate zone between 2,000–3,000 metres (6,600–9,800 ft) and cold temperate zone between 3,000–3,800 metres (9,800–12,500 ft)), the city itself has an altitude range varying between 2,248 metres (7,375 ft) and 2,648 metres (8,688 ft). It is these two variations in altitude and climate which determine the habitable zones and vegetation typology for the valley. The valley, however, is thinly forested and is spread out to the north and west. At the southern end of the city, the Lungten Zampa bridge connects the east and west banks of the Wang Chuu which flows through the heart of city.
Paro Taktsang (Dzongkhaསྤ་རོ སྟ་ཏྴ་ནྒ་ spa phro stag tshang / spa gro stag tshang) is the popular name of Taktsang Palphug Monastery (also known as Tiger's Nest),a prominent Himalayan Buddhist sacred site and temple complex, located in the cliffside of the upper Paro valley, in Bhutan. A temple complex was first built in 1692, around the Taktsang Senge Samdup (stag tshang seng ge bsam grub) cave where Guru Padmasambhava is said to have meditated for three years, three months, three weeks, three days and three hours in the 8th century. Padmasambhava is credited with introducing Buddhism to Bhutan and is the tutelary deity of the country. Today, Paro Taktsang is the best known of the thirteen taktsang or "tiger lair" caves in which he meditated.
The Guru mTshan-brgyad Lhakhang, the temple devoted to Padmasambhava (also known as Gu-ru mTshan-brgyad Lhakhang, "the Temple of the Guru with Eight Names") is an elegant structure built around the cave in 1692 by Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye; and has become the cultural icon of Bhutan A popular festival, known as the Tsechu, held in honor of Padmasambhava, is celebrated in the Paro valley sometime during March or April.

Peoples in Bhutan.

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