úterý 15. července 2014

Finland(Uusimaa) - Espoo

Espoo is the second largest city and municipality in FinlandThe city is on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, in the region of UusimaaOther bordering municipalities of Espoo are Nurmijärvi and Vihti in the north and Kirkkonummi in the west. The national park of Nuuksio is situated in northwest Espoo.
Espoo encompasses 528 square kilometres (204 sq mi), of which 312 km2 (120 sq mi) is land.
View on Mätinkylä - part from Espoo.

Map of Finland, Photo: 123RF, Markku Wiik, Arto Komulainen, Shutterstock,
Vastavalo, Plugi

Greetings from Finland, picture from 1950, author Helga Mether-Borgström 

Greetings from Finland.

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