pondělí 28. července 2014

Germany(North Rhine-Westphalia) - Bochum

Bochum  is a city in the state of North Rhine-WestphaliaGermany and part of the Arnsberg region. It is located in the Ruhr area and is surrounded by the cities (in clockwise direction) of HerneCastrop-RauxelDortmundWittenHattingenEssen and GelsenkirchenThe city lies on the low rolling hills of Bochum land ridge (Bochumer Landrücken), part of the Ruhrhöhen (highest elevations) between the Ruhr and Emscher rivers at the border of the southern and northern Ruhr coal region. The highest point of the city is at Kemnader Straße (Kemnader Street) in Stiepel at 196 metres above sea level; the lowest point is 43 metres at the Blumenkamp in Hordel.
View from Bochum

View from Schleswig-Holstein

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