pondělí 14. července 2014

Netherlands(North Brabant) - Breda

Breda is a municipality and a city in the southern part of the Netherlands. The name Breda derived from brede Aa ('wide Aa') and refers to the confluence of the rivers Mark and Aa. As a fortified city, the city was of strategic military and political significance. Although a direct Fiefdom of theHoly Roman Emperor, the city obtained a municipal charter; the acquisition of Breda, through marriage, by the house of Nassau ensured that Breda would be at the center of political and social life in the Low Countries.

Spanjaardsgat is a water gate that lies between the Garnet Tower and Duiventoren of Breda Castle in the center of Breda  Built around 1530.

The STS Sedov (RussianСедов), formerly the Magdalene Vinnen II (1921–1936) and the Kommodore Johnsen (–1948), is a 4-masted steel barque that for almost 80 years was the largest traditional sailing ship in operation. 
Builder:Friedrich Krupp GermaniawerftKiel,Germany
Tonnage:3,500 tonnes standard (GRT)
Displacement:7,300 ts (at 5,350 ts load)
LOA:117.5 m
Hull:108.7 m
Deck:100 m
Beam:14.9 m
Draft:6.5 m
Propulsion:Auxiliary diesel
Speed:18 knots speed (8 knots under engine)
Complement:240 (Professional crew: 70; Cadets: 120; Guest trainees: 50)
Height of mass: 54.0 m
Sail area: 4,195 m²
Port Breda on Spanjaardsgat.

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